Conversation Between seventeethdecember2016 and Workers-Control-Over-Prod

  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
  2. That's a shame.
    Facebook stocks have been pretty stagnant.

    Hey, I've been reading about a gentleman named Avraham Stern. Apparently he was a Jewish Zionist who was fighting for Fascist Jewish state prior to the Holocaust. He even sought an alliance with Italy and Germany, and even broke with a broader political party called Irgun(which would eventually become Lukid- or Netanyahu's party), while forming the Lehi party in 1940.

    At that time, Germany's goal was to expel the Jews from Europe(the final solution didn't begin until Feb. 1942.), so Lehi offered Germany transportation of all European Jews to Palestine.
    Stern, however was murdered on February 12th, 1942, by British detectives, and the Final solution, as suggested by Himmler, was agreed upon on February 26th, 1942.
    Lehi also stopped following Fascism that year.
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Btw. are the Facebook stocks doing okay in the US, because in Germany it has constantly plunged.
  4. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    So the German parliament just passed the ESM baiscally signing off any kind of democratic control over the german household finances and creating a debt-union before making a political union: Disaster. The markets have already reacted negatively to germany giving up its financial control to Brussels, and pretty soon (next few weeks) when more banks run into trouble, the interest rates will also rise for Germany. Anything new from you?
  5. I don't very much agree with the conventional definitions, as it understates the complexity of economic systems. Your Keynesian definition is actually the most correct.
    You should also add that inflation has the capabilities to stimulates the economy, as it only occurs during expansion. Deflation, on the other hand, occurs with the slow down of economies. And, in our case, Inflation makes it easier for countries to pay their bills.

    You adversaries definition was terrible. Something like 96% of money is digital, so his definition is nonsense.
  6. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    The way i thought i understood inflation is that the Central Bank tries to "print" a lot of money to loan it to banks so that Capitalists will feel "comfortable" and invest more laxly into the economy and this will increase growth. But you have to tell me if this is what you mean, because lately i have been confused in an argument by a person that i guess just felt more confident than me. He said that inflation is simply "the money supply compared to the size of the economy", which i had not heard this definition before and responded with my Keynesian understanding that inflation is a bidding up of prices and hence devaluation of the currency; that inflation can only happen when spending capability of consumers is increased. He said i got it all wrong to which he brought no logical argument. I am a bit confused about what people see as inflation, since i thought i had a firm grip on it..
  7. When I said rise, I meant rise in standing.
  8. No, you actually got the right idea of what I was trying to say. America is going to inflate itself out of this crisis.
    For this, the US's Purchasing Power Parity will crumble relative to other nations, along with the dollar's value diminishing, but this will surely get the US out of the conditions it's going through. I don't think doing the same for Europe will have the same effect, so they're going down.
    With the US doing this, the BRICS will rise(although their economic growth seems to be slowing down) dramatically next year.
  9. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Aha, so you think that when the american economy shrinks, that the trillions of dollars in investment and that the FED has been "printing" will be used to buy stuff? Because the way i understand inflation, is an inflation of prices, a bidding up of prices, but you have to explain to me how you mean this more exact.
  10. Well, Ben Bernanke is keeping our interest rates very low. This will of course create hyperinflation, but should the government play its cards right it shouldn't have problems for a few years. The US will live, but the citizens are going to suffer the consequences. It is really up to citizens to decide how America will move.
    Hopefully it'll be towards Revolution.
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