Conversation Between pranabjyoti and Pretty Flaco

  1. Bureaucracy in itself can not be a class. It must be representative of some class. Actually you are just unable to understand that new capitalists emerged from still remaining petty-bourgeoisie class, and most probably the bureaucracy you mentioned is actually representative of petty-bourgeoisie. We have to get rid of the petty-bourgeoisie class to make a classless society.
  2. Pretty Flaco
    The bureaucracy simply becomes another exploitative class to replace the capitalists. I don't fight capitalism just to be exploited by a different class.
  3. "Real people's power" is just an absurd idea in a class based world. It's only possible in a classless world.
  4. Pretty Flaco
    Just for you, when I wrote "real people's power", I meant genuine collective control by all people over political/economic forces.
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