Conversation Between Pawn Power and Rosa Lichtenstein

  1. Rosa Lichtenstein
    To keep the riff raff away...
  2. Pawn Power
    Yea, why would anyone want to make their work accessible?
  3. Rosa Lichtenstein
    If anyone is put off my site by its presentation, then I'm not interested in communicating with such a superficial individual.

    I have also explained many times at RevLeft when I hope to publish my ideas in book form. If I repeat it again then I fear you will tell me your are tired of reading it!
  4. Pawn Power
    But I like the points you make! I think debunking these myths is useful. I just think it would be helpful to have your ideas down in a more navigable formate. Your ideas could have greater impact (which is a good thing!) if they were presented in a different way. Just my opinion!
  5. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Don't read them then.
  6. Pawn Power
    At some point, one gets tired of reading your posts on dialectics and the like and wonders, "All of this would much more digestible in one slim volume." The chaotic nature of your website also induces this feeling. So, when is your book coming out? I know you have been working on it for some time now.
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