Conversation Between shinjuku dori and Geiseric

  1. Geiseric
    Hey comrade, would ultimate frisbee, a sport run by cooperation between the two opposing teams based on rules mutually agreed on be banned? XD I'm joking, but more importantly I was wondering what your name meant in japanese.
  2. Geiseric
    not sure, i like bubble gum toothpaste myself. but americans are very weird in i'd say most aspects. I'm white myself and I don't get the shit that's going through peoples heads.
  3. I was wondering why Western people use mint for everything? I don't want to brush with that. You have some idea? How about a delicious berry flavor so people would want to put in their mouth??
  4. Geiseric
    Thanks alot babe, hope to see you around more often
  5. Hey babe. I agree with your posts. Looking real good!
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