Conversation Between Vladimir Innit Lenin and The Feral Underclass

  1. Thanks. It's a topic i've not come to grips with but have been sure about being anti-party (so edgy) for a long while now.
  2. I did see. I wasn't sure how to respond. I will think about it more and give it a go.
  3. yo did you see my post here in the 'time for a new left party' thread in politics?

    I'd be interested to hear your thoughts
  4. I lost my temper. My patience isn't limitless.
  5. I think we both know that your language was rude, nasty, and completely uncalled for. As was Robbo's.

    As I said in the thread, it's not really my fight, but I think it's a massive shame that a thread in which you were making the SPGB look silly and plain wrong has now descended into calling people dicks, idiots and limp-wristed.
  6. I called a spade a spade. The result of which was to have a homophobic slur used against me.
  7. You know you were completely trashing the SPGB lots argument in that thread until you lost your temper?

    You should have just left it and not rised to the bait man.
  8. I see you're enjoying the new-found adoration - going soft as you get towards the 20,000s!

    Taken you bloody 11 years to get there too. Although i'll be nearly 40 by the time I get to 20,000 posts at my current rate.
  9. makes me sad that i'm getting towards the stage where i'm nearer 30 than I am a teenager. Sort of.
  10. Almost a year ago. I'll soon be 31.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 34