Conversation Between Geiseric and Ostrinski

  1. Been going very well. You? Also PM me your facebook if you want to add me.
  2. Geiseric
    I don't know to be honest, I saw it on 4chan as a reaction when I was stoned and I thought it was really funny hahaha, I'm going to get a new picture soon I think. Hows it going lately?
  3. Oh, I didn't mean the avatar. The profile pic, on the left. Like the polar bear in mine.
  4. Geiseric
    Errol Flynn as Robin Hood? Or that other one that I simply thought looked funny?
  5. Whos iin your profile pic
  6. Indeed. i think he looks cool.
  7. Geiseric
    By the way Engels looks like a hipster in your picture.
  8. Geiseric
    I'm down to discuss stuff any time you want, add me on skype if you'd like, or on facebook. My skype name is haviddagstrom
  9. Been sympathizing with Trotskyism lately.
  10. Geiseric
    I thought it would be funny. Hail the premier!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14