Conversation Between Universal Struggle and Palingenisis

  1. Tania The Guerrilla.
  2. Who is that in your new avatar?
  3. So you have a soft spot for english boys eh
    dear diary



    i wana turn up and sing that loyalist song about the glue sniffer with a gun haha
  4. I have brought English lads home to meet the family...

    There would be no problemn as long as you didnt come on strong in favour of British Imperialism....Or at least if you didnt dismiss arguments against it...
  5. so what would your ma say if you brought an english lad home to meet the family?

    an online friend from the other side of the divide brought a republican home for tea,his family are unionists, he said his dinner was fairly sielent and tense haha
  6. Its a great phrase mo chara...Actually Ive been using it a lot...
  7. HAHA yeah here are two of his bestquotes

    Oh yes, we're very sorry for saving your arses from the IRA. Torturing people wasn't in Labour's constitution last time I checked, and last time I checked it wasn't politicians who tortured people, it was the police. Who are independent of the party in power.

    I don't have time to watch pro-terrorist propaganda. If I wanted to do that I'd switch on Al Jazeera.

    Also you stole the phrases skull fuck off me.

    i expect compensation for this

  8. LOL you are fine...But if I met RedLion down the pub I would be tempted to skull fuck him...Tempted...Not that I would....LOL
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