Conversation Between Asoka89 and Die Neue Zeit

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    I sent you an e-mail. It doesn't address the NPA, but it does address something more strategic.
  2. Asoka89
    what are your thoughts on the NPA? Has the CPGB-PCC analyzed it at all?
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    On the contrary, defending the revolutionary center during a "retreat" (I think we're slightly past that point and slowly advancing again) is more important. The ultra-lefts shout "voluntarism" and "for spontaneity" the most during retreats.
  4. Asoka89
    I invite a critique of this I think its too hard on the Greek anarchists, but that wasn't the primary point.

    Understanding strategy is important and I think we both are right on the major issues, but what of the questions of hegemony and consciousness--- of achieving praxis. Certainly we can do our best as nascent intellectuals to defend the principles of Marxists and the strategy of the revolutionary center, but these great debates occurred during a massive surge in the workers' movement, not a retreat.
  5. Asoka89
    Just checking back in, i'm eager to read some of your latest works, I'm meandering into a more left-communist view points, or maybe even a neo-marxist one, but that doesn't quite describe it, i'll make some theory posts later this week.
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    Welcome back!
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