Conversation Between ZeroNowhere and Broletariat

  1. Dammit, I hate MSN, it's so spastic in when it does and does not work. It doesn't work with Zanny, but Savage it works just fine with. PM me your username so I can add you myself and see if it doesn't work then.
  2. Sure, I've added you.
  3. Where the crap do you make this stuff up from :P

    Yea I'm down with it, you got an MSN? Mine's in my profile, add me.
  4. Thanks. The inspiration behind that post was wholly yours, however. As for answering other learning threads with diagrams, my feelings are as follows:

    We are here tonight to celebrate,
    The rising of the Third World states,
    And to reignite the Feds,
    And with Chavez explode their heads,
    And while a diagram may help,
    Just like a fish is helped by kelp
    To satisfy their adoration
    For accurate demonstration,
    Without remuneration,
    Yet we must keep it in moderation,
    'Cuz the Third World's risin' now,
    And if you overdo 'em, POW!
    You done robbed the humour off 'em,
    And then the Third World will kick your bottom
    With great indignation.

    I'm willing if you are, though.
  5. Jesus Christ bro, your picture and explanation killed me. We should answer all topics in diagram form.
  6. I suppose that, if you want, the fact that there were vigorous struggles over the length of the working day pretty clearly reveals that capitalists get their money from selling goods produced by the workers. Otherwise, they wouldn't really be too concerned about it.
  7. Well, Marx does have the occasional pithy comment and such, so it's worth going through, although you can skim it if you really like. What's strange is that some people recommend starting 'Capital' by reading the historical sections, generally because they regret the fact that 'Capital' isn't a propaganda leaflet and wish to pretend that it is one.
  8. Off-topic but, are all the historical examples in chapter 10 of Capital really that necessary to read? >_> Having been born in a world that has experienced Capitalism for some centuries now, I don't really need to see his examples I don't think.
  9. Heh, yes. The similarity was more one of style than of substance.
  10. Good, then you understood it and it was coherent, miles ahead of ckhaitsu no?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13