Conversation Between Comrade_Stalin and GallowsBird

  1. GallowsBird
    I was just reading through that thread now, oddly enough.
  2. Comrade_Stalin
    Agreed, one of our comrades have added a post about economics. I think we should both contribute to it in order to progress communist.

    The name of the post is:
    What specific economic mechanism do you think is typically best?
  3. GallowsBird
    That is true people forget that Marxism had actually changed from Marx's time to the Bolshevik revolution; this is progression. Marxism isn't a religion after all (even if some treat it like it is at times).
  4. Comrade_Stalin
    I think Stalin gave us our Socialist Revolution, now it is our time to show him that we can deliver a Communist Revolution. I have been working on a number of radical ideas which I think will allow us to create a state that embodies the ideals of communism. The problem I normally face is that a number of so-called "Marxist" follow the work of Marx as if it was the Bible. I think many of these people would still think that the elements that make up this world are still fire, wind, water, and earth. What I find out then is that many of these ideas are rejected just because they do not follow the Communist manifesto written by Marx in 1848
  5. GallowsBird
    Indeed. Because we are attacked due to our association with the 1920s-1940s USSR (of which there is a lot of negative propaganda, some partly true and most untrue) we have to constantly argue and defend M-Ls and the USSR of the past. It would be refreshing to be able to look ahead. The way things are we look like sad old men who miss the good ol' days when this isn't the case as we truly do long for a final victory in the Socialist Revolution to benefit all mankind. We only talk about the past all the time because that is what we are asked or, indeed, attacked about.
  6. Comrade_Stalin
    Hard in this day and age. Not only are we cut off from the left by the fake left, but we also have a lack of new ideals among us. Mostly because were defending our past too much, as we are always under assault. What we need now is new radical ideas to prove that our system is better than theirs.
  7. GallowsBird
    Yes, we MLs should stick together and remember we are Comrades. MLs are cut off from much of the left so we need some sort of unity.
  8. Comrade_Stalin
    I thank you for your support, but it's getting harder these days, I seen even to get into fights with other ML. The result of which seems to be a lack of work on real radical ideas to prove communism as a better ideology than capitalism.
  9. GallowsBird
    Keep up the good fight Comrade, I have been reading some good posts of yours on the ML group.
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