Conversation Between Prinskaj and Zeus the Moose

  1. Prinskaj
    Well, the situation here is very grim to be honest. I knew that they were reformist when i joined, but it has just been unbearable in the last half year. Right now they are starting the process to rewriting the party principle program and if they remove as much as ONE mention of means of production or revolution, then I am out.
    But what is almost as bad, is the fact that the media portrays them as this radical and extremist party, when in reality they are merely centrist.
  2. Zeus the Moose
    How has Enhedslisten been doing recently? I read about them every once in a while on International Viewpoint, and it seems like they've been going back and forth on a number of things since they've become an external supporter of the SD/SF/RV government.
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