Conversation Between bcbm and #FF0000

  1. #FF0000
    Will do, cap.
  2. bcbm
  3. bcbm
    its cool yo

    just don't do it again...
  4. #FF0000
    That's what I sort of figured. In hindsight it was a p. bad way to make my point.
  5. bcbm
    badjacketing is stuff like calling people cops without proof they are cops, it fuels paranoia and suspicion and turns people off. people can say dumb things without being cops, i used to have a hardon for armed struggle shit and i'm sure said my share of idiotic things and i've met plenty of other youthful, over-excited idiots. those kind of people are easy to deal with without badjacketing, save the calls of "cop" for real cops
  6. #FF0000
    i don't know what badjacket means, bcbm.
  7. bcbm
    don't badjacket yo
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