Conversation Between Robocommie and Chambered Word

  1. Chambered Word
    Alright, I've downloaded his stupid documentary. It's about 6 in the morning here, I'm going to begin deconstructing it and drafting for the script later today and tonight.
  2. Chambered Word
    Look, nobody said this was going to be easy.
  3. Robocommie
    Sounds doable. Though, if I'm going to be watching Beck's special over and over again, I might want to pick up a couple of packs of Rollaids. Good God.
  4. Chambered Word
    To start with, we could get our hands on his latest 'documentary' (torrent it perhaps) and rip the shit out of it. Once we have the draft of that done, maybe get some other clips of him spreading lies and propaganda and cover that as well.

    We could call it something like 'Glenn Beck is a liar' although something a bit more interesting would be better.

    Sorry but I've been up all night.
  5. Robocommie
    Well, what did you have in mind?
  6. Chambered Word
    If you're really interested in doing something about Glenn Beck we could team up or something. I think the rest of the group are more interested in other ideas at the moment.
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