Conversation Between Andropov and The Grey Blur

  1. Andropov
    What dya mean?
  2. The Grey Blur
    if you say so...
  3. Andropov
    I mean it would be a bit odd for there to be a statement on his going when he wasnt even on the AC.
    He left the IRSP because he didnt get a job in Teach Na Failte that he expected to get and so stormed out. It was all petty differences and not political in the least.
  4. The Grey Blur
    lol calm down lad.

    rattle out of the pram?
  5. Andropov
    Why would there be? He was just another rank and file member.
    He left of his on volition because he threw the rattle out of the pram.
  6. The Grey Blur
    any statement on that?
  7. Andropov
    Yup for a few months now.
  8. The Grey Blur
    gerry ruddy is out of the irsp?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8