Conversation Between philosopher84 and La Zora

  1. philosopher84
    hi,how r u doing?why dont u show up to send a note,i really expected more from a dear comrade...c u
  2. philosopher84
    have a great may-day honey
  3. philosopher84
    hi la zora
    although it is so late now but,i wish u a happy new year and happy valentine.
  4. philosopher84
    hi there,very happy to hear u,thanx and good luck

    see u
  5. La Zora
    Hey philosopher,

    have lot of things to do. That's why I' have less time for RevLeft. It's a pitty and hope, that this will change soon.

    best regards
  6. philosopher84
    hi la zora
    how are u doing? why do not u write to me ,if there is a reason then let me know about it cause i like to correct it,i take critisme,thanx
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