Conversation Between Sam Da Communist and Patchd

  1. I just think it is sexist to go into prostitution, If i was a woman and had no money i would have to accept that women are the way they are, perhaps meanwhile i would have to agree to be fascist or anarcho-capitalist.

    Pornograpghy isn't sexism, it is just exhibitionism. undercapitalism any sort of sex business is sexist in nature. all must be opposed.

    but attacking the boss by yourself isn't democratic, dont you have to gain the peoples sympathy? or perhaps you want to do that and create publicity and then support? like the maoist guerillas in nepal and india

    I too want to attack the system, the bourgeois, but then you are also attacking the brainwashed masses that elected them in. i'm confused about this idea, on one side you have attack/educate/inform the people and the other attack the system/bourgeois etc.
  2. Patchd
    (continued) ... Strip club dancers and even burlesque dancers are considered to be in the field of sex work, so are porn stars, what is the difference between allowing someone to stare at your naked body for money, and for someone to have sex with it for money? It is a form of labour. Secondly, your blaming of the women in this field of work is nothing but sexist. Instead of concentrating on the (usually male) bosses and bourgeois society that maintains the wage system and economic disparity which leads people into wage labour, one of which is sex work, you choose to place more importance on the female workers involved in that practice.

    Technically, by your understanding, every worker should be considered as someone who maintains the capitalist system then, this patriarchal system. You should oppose all workers with that logic. It's about time the 'left' stopped targeting their blame on workers, and start focusing on the bosses and their state.
  3. Patchd
    Err what? Moot analogy is moot, if you're a principled anti-racist, you wouldn't work for the immigration department. That can't be compared to the field of work you choose as a result of being in an exploited and oppressed socio-economic class. What were you trying to get at? And explain morality while you're at it ...

    No, lumpen proletariat doesn't exist. What would you consider to be lumpen and is it based on any real material understanding of social relations to the means of production, distribution and services? I only believe in two classes, the working class and the bourgeoisie.

    You say it is sexist for women to enter into prostitution, how is it? Also, what has that got to do with men, or people who define as no gender in the same field of work? Actually a number of working class people pay for sex also, or sexual acts even ... (continued)
  4. so you are saying that people do not require any sort of discipline? not even a small sense of morality? So if i am anti-racist, would i ever consider working for the immigration department?

    Prostitutes as sad as they are, they are lumpen. it is suicidally sexist for a women to accept prostitution as an avenue for life. I accept that in impoverished peoples and drug addicts people are forcefully taken into prostitution from social circumstances. But then wouldn't there be heaps of luxury services created by the rich for there to be suficient employment?

    Prostitution is sexist, it is for the rich only, it represents male dominace in society. The more sexist the more prostitutes there are.

    dont you agree that prostitutes are somewhat lumpen proletariat, they work for the rich hence they have no interest in changing the system. And if a prostitutes enjoys their work, that would be so fucking sad, because we would have to fight them conservative bastards.
  5. Patchd
    (continued) ... as a means to survive (like any other work), prostitution simply provides a better means to keep yourself afloat. Also, fuck your morality, morality doesn't exist for one, explain why someone shouldn't have sex for a wage if they want to? Do you think in a society where the wage system has been abolished and workers have control over their workplace and society, prostitution will still exist? What will prostitutes exchange their labour for, they will have nothing to exchange it for, instead it will become obsolete and people will only have sex for the pleasure as opposed to for a living wage.

    You can't make an argument just by throwing words around either, explain how prostitutes are sexist, pessimistic, greedy, or even capitalist by any nature?
  6. Patchd
    No, you are anti-worker if you target your opposition at the women + men involved in the work as opposed to the actual work itself. Take for example a campaign called Smash EDO, you probably have heard of it, in some of their actions, protesters have directed their anger and action at workers coming out of the plant (the plant manufactures weapons and armaments), their excuse for this is that those workers are contributing to the deaths of other people by working in a place that manufactures weapons, but our line should be that it is the whole system and the bosses that maintain this apparent right to produce killing machines, not the workers.

    On prostitutes, you make a sweeping generalisation, you don't take into account that there are many sex workers who are forced into their profession by other external forces (gangs, family, partners etc.), not only this, but you fail to realise that a lot of sex workers resort to their profession ... (continued)
  7. i'm not anti worker. I am against prostitution, and the personalities of prostitues themselves, one ones out of pure (non-poverty influenced) choice because They are sexist pessimistic greedy capitalist scum.
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