Conversation Between bellyscratch and OneNamedNameLess

  1. I think there's going to be a coach organised around here for one of the days, and I'm not sure whether it will be G20 or NATO that will be concentrated on. I've been so busy with other stuff that I've not given it much thought. Had such a hectic last few days. I feel like a full-time political activist at the moment!
  2. Lol. That's so true, so true. Keep that memory in your head then. Are you still coming up for NATO and shit? Im worried because nobody seems to be mobilising for this. I am going to try and dig in as much as possible on campus.
  3. If I did come out as an anarchist, I wouldn't be one of those liberal hippy ones that went to climate camp. The meetings there drove me insane! I wouldn't be able to handle it.
  4. You got me Just don't report me to the CC. Are you an unashamed anarchist yet btw? I have been waiting for you to come out. Please, please, please, consider the consequences before you go there. Environmental anarchists transform into vegan hippies with dreads you know?
  5. 'Anti capitalist, racist, fascist, sexist, homophobic and all that jazz. Big environmentalist. Hence why I am a lefty.'

    So you don't like capitalism but you like racism, fascism, sexism and homophobia?
  6. Hey
  7. Hi mate. Just seen your reply on the environmental left group. I can't make the meeting thing either so I shall see you at the main camp i suppose
  8. what happened to the Pol Pot group?
  9. cheers, was a bit bored the other night and came up with it. Was thinking of getting the green and red star as a tattoo actually, probably will after i get my next one.
  10. Digging the new avatar there mate

    I like the green and red star.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16