Conversation Between Huey P. Newton1233 and Azraella

  1. Azraella
    I'm a big fan of his crypto-Gnostic writings.
  2. Huey P. Newton1233
    i love his theory of 46 and 2
  3. Azraella
  4. Huey P. Newton1233
    can you tell me like loads about jung?
  5. Azraella
    I see. I'm a psychologist (community psychologist PhD) and I'm a Jungian psychoanalyist
  6. Huey P. Newton1233
    not yet i mean psychology interests me very much like Carl Jung psychology i'm a student
  7. Azraella
    Are you a psychologist too?
  8. Huey P. Newton1233
    finally i can do this! lol your the first person i'm going to give a visitor message to so you better feel special
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