Conversation Between Technocrat and Quail

  1. Technocrat
    I guess I would define myself politically as "Social libertarian, economic collectivist."
  2. Quail
    Hey, just out of interest, what do you define yourself as politically?
  3. Quail
    Yeah I should really stop drunk-posting. I was quite harsh and insulting I think.
  4. Technocrat
    That's cool - it happens
  5. Quail
    I'm sorry. I was pretty wasted yesterday and I don't remember posting on your wall..
  6. Technocrat
    The picture developing from science is that humans are essentially machines made of meat. They are "executors" not "pursuers". They are essentially collections of built-in responses that are triggered by environmental cues. I think this view is non-reactionary and historically progressive. Historically, it is the right that has held romantic notions of human nature and supposed "perfectibility." Since humans are executors and not pursuers, this means it is the system and not individuals who are responsible for problems (unless you are talking about a pathological case).
  7. Quail
    Hey (I am druink, but shhhh) sometimes you act as though umans are robots. I disagree with that, but technocracy in general appeals to me. You do make some good posts, but sometimes I can't take you seriously, because of your lackn of understanding of humans.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7