Conversation Between Robocommie and #FF0000

  1. Robocommie
    I'll be grateful to it for basically one reason though; it gave me a chance to meet other real commies and evolve my shit significantly.
  2. #FF0000
    Yeah. This place got fucking pathetic.
  3. Robocommie
    Bro this is why Franz Fanonipants talks nothing but shit. Why bring out the Rolls Royce when the birds are going to shit all over it, if you excuse my thoroughly bourgeois simile.
  4. #FF0000
    Simple motherfuckers as far as the eye can behold RC.

    I can't cope.
  5. Robocommie
    Hey buddy, how's it been? I've been here and there, taking care of some business. Got tired of the internet debate game for a while, but I've kinda gotten drawn back to Revleft because I'm sick of arguing with liberals on Facebook. lol
  6. #FF0000



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