Conversation Between Coggeh and #FF0000

  1. #FF0000
    Yeah I wanted a name that was kinda un-google-able and I am pretty sure I'm the cleverest motherfucker on the planet for thinking of it.
  2. Coggeh
    remember it from playing that game particracy, you had to enter the code for the flag took me ages to find out FF0000 = red lol
  3. #FF0000
  4. Coggeh
    Your username kicks ass.
  5. Coggeh
    Thanks. Though i just found 2 other threads following the same basic debates... lol didn't know about that when i asked to be reopened sorry man. Thanks though
  6. #FF0000
    Fair 'nuff.
  7. Coggeh
    Why did you lock the thread? the debate was on going instead of locking it out right why not dump the irrelivant posts the one liners like "kill all pedophiles" or "shut up your stupid". Open the thread.
  8. #FF0000
    Sup coggeh

    happy birthday
  9. Coggeh
    Wage Labour and Capital shall be the first book of the revolutionary book group .

    The book can be found through this link :

    Post any questions from reading or points of discussion into the group thread that will be made about the book .

    Enjoy .
  10. Coggeh
    Ya that was so fucking awesome
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16