Conversation Between Pinko Panther and Manifesto

  1. Manifesto
    Yeah that was really funny. I haven't seen it in ages though.
  2. Pinko Panther
    You seen Life of Brian yet?
  3. Manifesto
    Yeah I love Monty Python.
  4. Pinko Panther
    You saw the movie?
  5. Manifesto
    I just got your signature a few days ago.
  6. Manifesto
    Yeah that does make sense. By the way cute cat.
  7. Pinko Panther
    Yeah, I just liked the sound of it and the idea that I was "reclaiming" a name that was originally used as an insult, if that makes any sense.
    Also, I like the Pink Panther.
  8. Manifesto
    Just for a cool name?
  9. Manifesto
    Hey I'm curious why you chose the name Pinko Panther when you say that you are a Anarcho-Communist and "Pinko" usually refers to Socialism.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9