Conversation Between Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist and Le Socialiste

  1. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Damn it I missed you again, it has been too long since I've talked to you
  2. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Sorry I wasn't on before, i'll be on for the rest of the night
  3. Le Socialiste
    Hey, I logged on.
  4. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Okdoki I'll stay logged in on aim for ya
  5. Le Socialiste
    I actually have to get ready for class soon, but I'll try and log on later today.
  6. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    heyyy im on aim now
  7. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Yea I get that feeling, the house just feels that much emptier when everyone is gone and she isn't there in the background making noises, and god that feeling when you go back home for the first time in forever and you go look for your dog to say hi and pet her a bit but no matter how hard you look she isn't there
  8. Le Socialiste
    Thanks, its been rough. Today was a little easier, but it's still painful to think about.
  9. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    I am so sorry to hear about your doggy
  10. Le Socialiste
    Also, sorry to hear about the chat group. I decided to end my participation in it because the arguments were getting repetitive (as were the insults). I'll consider rejoining, but if it's anything like the last chat I won't stay long. My involvement will probably be slightly more minimal anyway, what with my research and all. Invite me on aim, or however you add someone to a chat group.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 37
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