Conversation Between A.R.Amistad and Nietzsche's Ghost

  1. A.R.Amistad
    Haha yes, he does lack pretentiousness I'll say that. Honestly, ever since I read it every other fiction book I have read puts me to sleep as romantic nonsense, but i feel like a hypocrit since I've been working on a fiction novel for years XD
  2. Nietzsche's Ghost
    Agreed. I love Nietzsche's style of writing in all of his works. The preface to the Antichrist is amazing. I read it when I'm depressed haha.
  3. A.R.Amistad
    Thus Spoke Zarathustra was probably the most well written work of fiction I have ever read. It was so good for me, in fact, that I have come to dislike most fiction in general (although I still write lots of historical fiction myself). I have been into existentialism for awhile, but I'm finding some personal problems with it and am leaning just to more general Marxist-Humanism
  4. Nietzsche's Ghost
    Yes. That puts it lightly lol. I've read most of his work twice at least. You?
  5. A.R.Amistad
    Hey comrade, you a Nietzsche fan?
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