Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and TheCultofAbeLincoln

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    Happy New Year, old timer!
  2. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    My immigrant thread was a bit too much apparently
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    What happened???
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    When will you put up another blog?
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    Maybe comrades like you can be the Ferdinand Lassalle that the US working class needs.
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    Just to follow up on your approval for the "IWWA" abbreviation, I posted an article on Chavez's proposed Fifth International:
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    I can't edit my message below, but "Class-Strugglist Social Labour" is meant to have the German abbreviations IKS or IKSA: Internationale Klassenkämpferische Sozialarbeitsmarkt / Soziale Arbeit.
  8. Die Neue Zeit
    Hi comrade,

    Probably two separate organizations would be appropriate (hopefully without one being a mere front for the other). I've got plenty of suggestions for names, but both Independent World Workers Association and Class-Strugglist Social Labour are meant to have more radical goals, even if they are meant to be multi-tendency (as opposed to a communist club). There is a reason for the adjectives "independent" and "class-strugglist"; the attendance of US diplomats, letters to Obama, etc. would go against such.

    However, maybe a raid on the anarchist International Workers Association just to grab their name wouldn't be a bad idea for the modest goals you suggested.
  9. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    IWWA, I like like it. Perhaps IWWA, meeting every year at the International? I honestly believe a wide-ranging group comprised of parties all over the world could do a bit of good, though I think modest goals would be fitting at first. Emergency loans to developing nations, a halt to outrageous IMF conditions and interests, and an open letter to Mr Obama calling on him to halt any US role in coups against popular governments such as Honduras, for a start. Perhaps even an invitation to US diplomats to attend, even address the conference, but no final say whatsoever of course.

    I believe that being, or at least, appearing to the ruling interests may be beneficial in a.) not immediately alienating the workers of the first world and b.) waiting for an unflinching response from the elite that clearly shows that they are not going to reform a broken, dishonest system that must be replaced.
  10. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    Yeah, it's been some time. Had some stuiff I had to take care of, but it feels great to be back.
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