Conversation Between Revolutionair and RED DAVE

  1. Revolutionair
    I didn't mean to make you hurry or anything. It's just that a lot of people whose ideas I liked turned out to be Trotskyits. (You sympathize with a Trotskyist organization right?) I realized I haven't really read anything by Trotsky except for a small piece about the Peasant Revolution in China. I just want to see whether I should study Trotskyism more.

    Could you give me a general direction which your post is going to take?
  2. Thanx. Yes I've seem it. I'll reply when I have time.
  3. Revolutionair
  4. Sorry I've taken so long to answer. Politically, I am an independent or international socialist. In terms of groups, I am close to Solidarity and the ISO but a member of neither of them.
  5. Revolutionair
    How would you describe yourself ideologically?
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