Conversation Between Chimurenga. and The Vegan Marxist

  1. The Vegan Marxist
    I agree. What's your take on supporting the Iranian president against imperialism?
  2. It's really no different than the Soviet bashing that took place. It really shows you how "Left" some people are when they side with reactionary news sources obviously involved in a bashing campaign. So called Leftists but they aren't prepared to practice Anti-Imperialism completely. Fucking laughable.
  3. The Vegan Marxist
    Amazing how anti-Cuba people reveal themselves to be when they find themselves in a comfortable position to come out of the closet.
  4. The Vegan Marxist
    I have to get a hold of Deng's works as well & give them a read. And when it comes to Lin Biao, they of course see him for, 1) was a great comrade nonetheless, but 2) tried forming a failed coup against Mao, which then he dies as he fled the country in that plane crash.
  5. I'll have to check that book out. It does sound interesting. It's certainly a possibility that that was the Gang Of Four's intentions. What does the author say about Lin Biao?
  6. Well, the arrest of the Gang of Four happened during Hua Guofeng's (he also brought the Cultural Revolution to an end which I disagree with) short rule. I'm not sure if Deng Xiaoping had much to do with that, although, I'm sure he supported it. On the subject of Deng Xiaoping, I've been trying to find out more information about him. I just downloaded his entire works today so that should be interesting to read. I find myself wondering that if they followed the same path as under Mao and without Deng, would China still be Socialist today or is this the only withstanding path (the Socialism with Chinese characteristics path) to take while US Imperialism still exists? I'm still not really sure. Regardless, China provides considerable aid to countries who stand against the powerful force of US Imperialism and in a time when there is no other strong Socialist power in the world currently, that's certainly something to support, in my eyes at least.
  7. The Vegan Marxist
    I agree. What's your thoughts of the taking of power of Deng Xiaoping & the arrest of the Gang of Four? Of course, I see Deng as a revisionist, along with being a centralist. Of course, we mustn't illusion ourselves, Mao did see Deng in a good light, given at the reason Deng was able to be in such a high position in the first place.

    After reading a book I got about a month ago, I'm actually quite skeptical about the Gang of Four. After reading it, I can't help but just see them as ultra-leftists that tried forming a militant coup-d'etat in order to gain the leadership of the CPC. The book is called "The Case of the Gang of Four" by Chi Hsin. It's a really good read & really stays faithful to a Marxist analysis of the whole situation.
  8. All those books sound good. You'll have to let me know how some of them turn out. I agree with your comments of China. I would just say that it's important to keep in mind the contradictions that exist within China. That was, more or less, what I was trying to say.
  9. The Vegan Marxist
    Well, it's not really technically, China is still Socialist. Though, I would argue that's on a line of revisionism, given that the CPC is predominantly run by the right wing. The only people in the CPC that are trying to stay true to the Communist ideal & under the interests of the working class is the leader, Hu Jintao, & the Left wing section of the CPC.
  10. The Vegan Marxist
    Are you part of the FRSO as well, or what comrade? And thanks, I've ordered a good number of books, & can't wait to get a hold of them, so that one will be put on my list as well. I ended up getting these books just recently:

    "For Marx (Radical Thinkers)" by Louis Althusser;
    "The Last Soviet Republic: Alexander Lukashenko's Belarus" by Stewart Parker;
    "The Economic Transformation of Cuba" by Edward Boorstein;
    "Revolution and socialist construction in Korea: Selected writings of Kim Il Sung" by Kim Il Sung;
    "The evolution of the Lao state" by Phongsavath Boupha;
    "China's Socialist Modernization" by Yu Guangyuan;
    "The Enigma of Capital: and the Crises of Capitalism" by David Harvey;
    & "Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia: The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP" by Prof. James J. Brittain
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