Conversation Between Dros and IrisBright

  1. IrisBright
    Counter-revolutionary? Come on man. This charge being handed down is totally irresponsible and wrong. Throwing that label on comrades lumps us in with the Minutemen, the KKK and the police! And it objectively justifies violence. This is dangerous, irrational shit.

    I don't think y'all are supposed to (so much for wrangling...), but you should check out the posts and the many responses at Kasama. This is heavy shit. The Party used to condemn silly shit like this back in the day (when the CP USA said it) because it poisons debate and injects mistrust into the tiny, disorganized revolutionary left in this country.

    Thanks to the RCP for elevated rhetoric and creating a COINTELPRO dream! Mao said, "To call your friends the enemy is to go over to the enemy." It is a security issue to inflame antagonism this way, with no basis; it creates openings for the real counterrevolutionaries: the fucking state! Let us not forget, that's our real enemy!

    Seriously if you think Kasama has done or said anything to endanger BA or cadre on the site, point it out. Bill Martin (I hope you read that stuff) was very careful not only to protect the name and details of LPM, but not to publish her/his own writings! '9 Letters to Our Comrades' had no such security breech in it, unless all public polemicizing is now dangerous! Proof is apparently scarce, because no one has any.

    Did you even think it was weird that the article is un-authored and doesn't even say who they're talking about?

    I hope you've actually looked at the site, you know? Mao also says, "No investigation, no right to speak." We really wish cadre/supporters would put out some good arguments on there, it would help us all get to the bottom of this. It's actually a big deal for a rev com group to have an open site where people can comment; its a rare thing for communists to move away from the control of a printed newspaper. The RCP needs to enter the 21st century, you know? The stuff they said about the internet in that Glossary piece...well, they sounded like my gramma (yeesh).

    Rebel love

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