Conversation Between Oktyabr and #FF0000

  1. I'm just an Anarchist so I guess your fears were unfounded. I don't like anything American politically.
  2. #FF0000
    1) Depends. If you mean Libertarian as in "anarchist" then it's fine. If you mean libertarian as in "American, pro-capitalist libertarian", then it's a problem.
    2) Stalinist is still a leftist current. Libertarian could be, depending on what you mean by it. Further, you change your ideology radically in really, really short periods of time it seems so I'm not sure
  3. 1. whats wrong with being a libertarian
    2. just a title I decided to use (some people call themselves stalinist, but they arent really one)
  4. #FF0000
    Oh god you're a libertarian now?

    I hope you mean that in the European sense.
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