Conversation Between Os Cangaceiros and synthesis

  1. Os Cangaceiros
    Bromazepam is pretty good, I've had that one. Not much recreational value, though, I don't think (well, maybe if you took a bunch of pills there would be). Good anxiolytic effect without much sedation, though, which made if useful for me at work.

    About a year ago one of my friends found a plastic box near where everyone dumps their trash, and it was filled with anti-depressant, benzo & opiate drugs, including some really rare exotic ones. My friend's roommate (who was a heroin junkie) estimated that there were 700+ dollars worth of drugs in there, and someone had just thrown it all away.
  2. synthesis
    Nah, I've never even heard of it being prescribed to anyone I know. It's kind of a weird name for a psychoactive drug, isn't it?

    But that was definitely something I was planning on trying, as well as "bromazepam" and "nitrazepam," before I lost about $40 worth of Bitcoins.
  3. Os Cangaceiros
    You ever try Halcion? That's the benzo I've always wanted to do. I don't think that any doctor will prescribe it anymore, though.
  4. synthesis
    I had thought the same thing, but I didn't care enough to post it
  5. Os Cangaceiros
    It's not that you care about it, necessarily; it's more a matter of the fact that it's hypocritical of me to continue to say that the whole matter is pointless and stupid, yet still post in a thread about it.
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