Conversation Between Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist and The Feral Underclass

  1. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Will do, because I swear to god if I talk to another IMT trot I'm going to explode. And no unfortunatly I'm not in the RCP-C because I live in the states, I just correspond with JMP alot and he tells me how it is in Canada, and I have to say that the line of the RCP-Canada is probably the best in North America. It's funny because I remember I was complaining to JMP one day about how poorly written their english language newspaper is and he told me that the guys up at the RCP Canada actually insist that their english newspaper is written and distributed by working class people without involvement of the higher ups, so the reason it reads so funny is because alot of it is written by college drop outs and immigrant workers, So I felt like an ass needless to say.

    And I will get you some reading material. I'd do it right now but I'm going to take a shower so I'll do it when I come out. Anything you want me to read?
  2. Let me know when you go to Alan Wood's house and I'll come with you.

    You should hook me up with some texts on Maoism, so I can swat up, just in case I wonna turn.

    So are you in the RCP-C? Do you know a guy called Clifford?
  3. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    (read these posts in reverse order)

    Heck I remember reading a while ago that a platformist organization in Canada merged with the RCP Canada because we Maoists tend to agree that Anarchists are the only other people on the left that have their shit together.

    And that's a good question. One day I want to change it, but that name's been there fore a while and I want it to mean something when I finally fix it. It should be on a day where the caterpillar emerges from the cocoon and the world feels fresh. I guess I'm just sentimental like that.

    Oh yea and for future reference I totally agree with you on left unity, I just felt like making that one point because I don't completely buy anti-subsitionalism or spontaneity either. I actually feel kinda dirty for siding with them somewhat.
  4. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    And yea, the thing I like about Maoism other than the good praxis and the theoretical depth is that I get to be a Leninist without actually agreeing with the useless garbage he put out later in life (ugh if one more trot tells me to read Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder I think I am going to go to Alan Wood's house and shit on his lawn). This way I can agree with Herman Gorter's polemics against Lenin without being one of those lame ass Left-Communists that just spend all day worshiping at the alter of (insert the dear leader of one insignificant "theorist" of the the many minuscule Left-Communist tendencies) and trying to create the most theologically pure interpretation of Marx. It's funny because I feel like being MLM is like being a Left-Communist/insurecto anarchist except without all of the lame bits.
  5. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Thanks, no offense to any "Leninist" who are reading this, but I feel like most of them don't really have a sophisticated analysis of class or really anything to be honest. It's almost as if they think that if we have a nominally Marxist party behave like a mainstream party until the moment where a revolution springs out of no where that we'll have communism. I find the sectarianism really funny because when you look at it, Hoxhaists, Trotskyists, "leninists" and Orthdox Marxists all want the same thing: a mainstream left-wing opposition. So that's why I tend to ignore people who accuse me of being a "revisionist". Because in practice they're all the same thing anyway.
  6. If I was going to be Leninist, I would be a Maoist.

    Why haven't you corrected the error in your username, out of interest?
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