Conversation Between Communist Theory and Brother No. 1

  1. Brother No. 1
    Ok but good luck to you. when someone says Socialism is "stupid" and "unrealisitc" and think justifing a nuclear attack is ok thats pretty much a boat without a paddle.
  2. Communist Theory
    No, that would be foolish.
    I delete him that would make us no better then the fools at Stormfront.
    I will try and teach him.
  3. Communist Theory
    I did not delete it.
    I have read it.
    Continue to debate with him if you wish.
    He is simply a troll.
  4. Communist Theory
    Hmm I didn't see that post.
    I only read up to the first page after I stopped debating with him and decided to delete the posts up til the last posts.
  5. Brother No. 1
    apperently he thinks Socialism is "unrealistic" and "stupid."
    do you think this debate should continue?
  6. Brother No. 1
  7. Communist Theory
    Read them.
    Then debate with him.
  8. Brother No. 1
    So what are you going to do with his References?
  9. Brother No. 1
    good. And You are forgiven.
  10. Communist Theory
    I shall do it now comrade.
    My apology's it had slipped my mind.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 22