Conversation Between Trystan and Rosa Lichtenstein

  1. Trystan
    aw good :|
  2. Rosa Lichtenstein
    No need for this Trystan:

    "No need to get pissy about it (if you are getting pissy about it; it's hard to tell)."

    You will know when I am getting 'p*ssy'.
  3. Rosa Lichtenstein
    That's my internet name; it's a cross between Rosa Luxemburg and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
  4. Trystan
    'twas removed last (Thursday? hm . . . or something)

    Btw, is you're name really "Liechtenstein" or are you following the example of the brilliant Rosa Luxemburg by having a surname that is the same of a small European nation???!! Just curious.
  5. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Thanks for removing it!
  6. Trystan
    Your assurance is appreciated.
  7. Rosa Lichtenstein
    I can assure you that the female comrades here find it offensive.
  8. Trystan
    I don't think it's offensive. But if you find that it is, fine, I don't mind.
  9. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Trystan, can I ask you to remove that offensive word from your self-description? It is offensiive to female comrades.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9