Conversation Between xub3rn00dlex and The Douche

  1. I see. It was rough when we first immigrated here from what my parents tell me, since we knew no English and had no money. I've had it real easy for most of my life since I never had serious issues to worry about like parents unemployed. I don't really remember how I came across my first leftist reading or how my first leftist thoughts were triggered, although I remember it starting when I got to work after high school. I've always been displeased with our politics, I guess I just didn't know where to place my anger until I picked up a copy of the manifesto and read it.
  2. The Douche
    My parents used to own a small business, we were pretty comfortable. But then they lost it, were unemployed for a few years, times were pretty rough. Luckily my dad got back into a union job he worked before he owned the business. Seeing the disparity in wealth that exists in this country made me know I had to find a solution.
  3. I hear you man. I think what burns me out more is not the fact that we're up against the entire capitalist system, but the amount of infighting that happens amongst the left. I've been drifting away from leninism for a little while now, which maybe adds to the whole feeling. What got you into the left?
  4. The Douche
    Figure I feel the same way as most other people, have my good days and my bad ones haha. As far as being burnt out and alienated, there is not much I can say. Its frustrating to work on things and not get results, but what can you do? If you're truly motivated by a deep love for what could be, and a deep disgust for what currently is, then you'll always keep the faith.
  5. Hey money, how are you feeling man? I enjoy reading your posts, especially as of late. I feel burnt out myself with the left even though I'm really disorganized and not very active other than just learning, so it's a little scary seeing someone who has dedicated so much also feeling that way. I hope things get better for you man.
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