Conversation Between OHumanista and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. OHumanista
    Yep, the conditions would dictate what happens afterwards. Class and political conciousness for example would be a major factor (though it would obviously rise in a post-revolutionary society)
  2. Brosa Luxemburg
    I am having a conversation with Enver Broxha (aka Grenzer) on this same topic and he made the point that the vanguard doesn't necessarily have to take power. I thought that was a good point.

    Again, it all depends on material conditions.
  3. OHumanista
    Yeah I get what you mean. And I think so too (to an extent at least). Russia was by no means the model for a revolution, it was an exceptional. (in a bad way) Which turned out surprisingly well for a time before being destroyed from the inside. (victory in the civil war was already a hell of a work). A vanguard on a more modern country and in our more modern times need not even be a single thing. A number of groups working towards the same end (class-conciousness, revolution etc) would probably be enough. Nor would the state need to be even nearly as strong as it became in the USSR.
  4. Brosa Luxemburg
    Yeah, I am under that impression as well. I think that Lenin's revision of the vanguard from Marx's vision was correct and suitable for the material situation which Lenin found himself in (such as civil war, invasion, famine, etc.). I personally do not think that Lenin's ideas are relevant and correct for more industrialized countries such as the United States or Britain though. Of course, situations are always changing and they may become relevant after a revolution has taken hold (although I personally doubt it).
  5. OHumanista
    Yes I agree with Lenin on vanguardism. (and with the later developments by Trotsky). I admit however that situations do vary significantly. There may be more or less a need for a vanguard.
  6. Brosa Luxemburg
    What are your thoughts on the Vanguard as Lenin envisioned it?
  7. OHumanista
    Trotskyist with libertarian communist, luxemburgist and a few other tendencies. I don't subscribe to any "international tendency" or anything like that.
  8. Brosa Luxemburg
    What are your political views? For example, I am a council communist with Marxist-DeLeonist tendencies.
  9. OHumanista
    No problem. I like a number of your I thought...why not?
  10. Brosa Luxemburg
    Thanx for the add comrade
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