Conversation Between RedWorker and Tim Cornelis

  1. It is probably spam bots. Have you tried posting in the wiki host's forums?
  2. Tim Cornelis
    Dude, why's someone keep spamming Marxistpedia with foot injury stuff? It doesn't make sense as a practical joke-wise or as a commercial spam strategy-wise. What's up with it?
  3. The Marxist FAQ has passed 5,000 views now. I've been thinking, it may be worthwhile to build Marxistpedia into a stronger and more popular Web site. I'm going to be more active soon.
  4. Tim Cornelis
    In mainstream terminology a market economy is synonymous with a competitive market economy, in that sense, the USSR was not a market economy. While I'd say, in Marxist terminology, a market is something of the continuous exchange of commodities, in that sense, yes the USSR had a market economy. Not really elaborate, but maybe it can help you?
  5. In other words, I don't fully grasp it yet would like to... I kinda suck at explaining myself sometimes =)
  6. And BTW, what do you think about what I said here (clickable link) in relation to Marxism and Popper's argument? I believe that the sentiment behind my thinking there is accurate, but I may not have explained it in the best way / I still don't fully comprehend everything.
  7. Was the USSR a market or planned economy and why? I would like an elaborate answer to fully comprehend this myself... because I'm inclined to think it was a market economy, yet have huge lacks of information/understanding at this point, so while I am kinda convinced myself I would totally fail to convince someone else about the view.
  8. Tim Cornelis
    Okay, will do that. Not immediately though. Made some big purchases recently (home gym), and have a job interview tomorrow (good odds) but that's for next academic year, will still need a job in the summer. On a really really right budget right now (like, no bus trips for a while to save money tight). But will use what I save on gym membership which ends July. So will have it set up by then.
  9. I believe that we need access to Lua modules to implement the same infoboxes that exist on Wikipedia, and last I checked we don't have that access. Why don't you pay the $5 Pro fee (permanent, not periodical)? In fact, you could buy your own domain name. Should be something more attractive/easier to type than "Marxistpedia" though. Domains cost less than $1/month.
  10. Tim Cornelis
    Hello, someone asked me "Is there anyway we can add infoboxes like the kind they use on Wikipedia?" I don't know the details about that. Could you answer? The person who(m?) asked:
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