Conversation Between Stranger Than Paradise and Pogue

  1. Pogue
    thx m8!
  2. Stranger Than Paradise
    congrats on modship.
  3. Pogue
    we judge people by how mcuh we think they fit with the workerist title comrade
  4. Stranger Than Paradise
    How do you join your workerist group?
  5. Pogue
    anti-working class nutters, i don't seem them as comrades or anything and i hate how they expect to be treated as such, just ignore/challenge them
  6. Stranger Than Paradise
    Jesus what's with these Leninists? Have you noticed it seems there's been an influx of Leninist Stalinists in the last month or so, complete and utter idiots. Anyone who is considered a tyrant by the western media they immediately think is Communist.
  7. Stranger Than Paradise
    Sorry to bother you but I think I tried to send you the two posts and it failed cos my sent items box is empty. I tried to post them here aswell and it failed. Did you get it? Sorry for the bother.
  8. Stranger Than Paradise
    Ok thanks mate. I'll try and find some good ones.
  9. Pogue
    link me two posts u've made showing ur revolutionary credentials and i'll nominate u for cc mate
  10. Stranger Than Paradise
    Nice quote from Homage. I read it on holiday, what a book.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 25