Conversation Between Red Anarchist of Love and Q

  1. no not dust_nettleton but it is dustin_nettleton
  2. sorry dust_nettleton is my user name but i proably won't be on line until monday
  3. Q
    I know what skype is, I just asked for your account name so we can chat
  4. go to download the software and make an accout is is completely free. you can also have phone conversations and videw chat between skype users for free
    the only thin you have to pay for is if you call a land line phone line rates on that are cheap i use it all the time
  5. Q
    So, what is your skype account? :P
  6. I use skype
  7. Q
    I'm good. How are you?
    Btw, do you have chat account? (MSN, Yahoo, IRC, etc) So I can add you?
  8. how it going long time no post.
  9. thanks for the advise, but please post it on my page not yours so i can be notified when you post.
  10. do you like the new avatar? how is life treating you today?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13