Conversation Between Red Commissar and Zeus the Moose

  1. Red Commissar
    Yeah, you are lucky you had come into revleft already developed. There's a lot of users who come here to try and learn more. I'm not knocking the site- I've learned alot here and it's a good place for me to meet with likeminded people which is helpful when I'm busy. However I find sometimes these tendency things can get overdone, and honestly I think we should be easier on newcomers. It's annoying when people chew out a noob for holding some liberal views or what ever, it's not like they were perfect when they came onto these forums. I mean look at our introduction forum- how many people have stuck around?
  2. Zeus the Moose
    It seems I was fortunate enough to have been reading about Marxism on my own for about six years, and had been working with an organisation for a little less than three years, before I joined RevLeft. I've still developed a lot from that point (apparently I've been on RevLeft for five years now), but not coming to this forum from a point of both political newness and practical isolation has probably helped me avoid some of the worst aspects of RevLeft's culture.
  3. Red Commissar
    Yes, I've seen that one. I just pick the other one because I like the oversized worker slamming his oversized fist into a table full of highbrow businessmen.

    Though it doesn't translate the lyrics.
  4. Zeus the Moose
    Re: your sig:

    This is a much better video fro Die Sozialistische Weltrepublik
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