Conversation Between Franz Fanonipants and Robocommie

  1. kony 2012 was your idea
  2. Robocommie
    Well good man, take my ass out before I pull a Chris Hitchens and became old and stupid and right-wing
  3. no j/k i will do it literarily
    i am going to destroy your career in the future via salvos at the institutions you adore
  4. i will literally kill you
  5. Robocommie
    Motherfucker would you sit down in your high chair before you fall out
  6. hey fool i heard you are historically specious
    not well sourced that is to say
  7. comrade what in the world
  8. eat a diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  9. well u see noam chomsky and...
  10. Robocommie
    Haha, your impersonation fails, he has no time for vanguardism
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