Conversation Between CynicalIdealist and ComradeMan

  1. ComradeMan
    It's not a tu quoque argument and nor is empathy.
  2. CynicalIdealist
    Oh Jesus, there has to be a fucking logical fallacy for that bullshit. Likewise, (cough tu quoque fallacy cough), I would contend that you probably aren't a victim of class inequality and that therefore you have no right to complain either. See? I can make fallacious arguments too.
  3. ComradeMan
    Easy to say if you are not a victim.
  4. CynicalIdealist
    Some rioters=/=all rioters. Violence isn't a good outcome, but I'm not going to rage when desperate/disillusioned people loot.
  5. ComradeMan
    The right to be angry is not the right to target innocent victims.
  6. CynicalIdealist
    Thanks. On the contrary you haven't made very good posts about the riots IMHO. =\ Smartphones=/=no right to be mad.
  7. ComradeMan
    Very good post about "reactionaries"!
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