Conversation Between DiaMat86 and The Douche

  1. The Douche
    Clicking on challenge doesn't take me to any sort of listing of chapters.

    Also, I have been an active (active, not just ideological, as in, actively participating in the struggle and organizing) communist for more than 6 years, and I have never encountered a PL cadre member except for one time, in 2004.

    I think that says something about their level of activity.
  2. DiaMat86
    "PL doesn't exist anywhere near me."

    PL is near you, if you're a PSL candidate down in Maryland. Check out CHALLENGE on the PL homepage for the struggles PL is in Balto and DC.

    On the forums you expressed some interest, so here's the link.
  3. The Douche
    PL doesn't exist anywhere near me.
  4. DiaMat86
    Check out a PL study group and see what you think.

    Write a letter to Challenge and a comrade in your area will contact you.
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