Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and Q

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    But you didn't edit your post from "Marxist" to "workers"
  2. Q
    Sure. If their point is that communism is a moneyless economy that is based on "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need", then sure, why not?
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    You joined the Free Access usergroup?
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    Where are you?
  5. Q
    Hit me up on msn when you can.
  6. Q


    But despite the comical intro, it is actually serious.
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    You're missing the bigger point in my JCP thread.
  8. Q
    Happy New Year to you too!
  9. Die Neue Zeit
    Happy New Year, comrade! [And I bumped up the Kautsky Literati group.]
  10. Die Neue Zeit
    Check out my Visitor Profile banter with Palin (my page and hers). It's an attempt at rapprochement.
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