Conversation Between thefinalmarch and ZeroNowhere

  1. fuck are you smoking
  2. Thank you. I like round numbers. My reputation is now approximately by and large more or less to the nearest decimal good measure round figures stark naked in the stockinged feet in Connemara in a word for reasons unknown no matter what matter the facts are there and considering what is more much more grave that in the light of the labors lost of Steinweg and Peterman it appears what is more much more grave that in the light the light the light of the labors lost of Steinweg and Peterman that in the plains in the mountains by the seas by the rivers running water running fire the air is the same and then the earth namely the air and then the earth in the great cold the great dark the air and the earth abode of stones in the great cold alas alas in the year of their Lord six hundred and something the air the earth the sea the earth abode of stones in the great deeps the great cold on sea on land and in the air.
  3. Just got your e-peen up to 3000. 2999 was an annoying odd number.
  4. Thanks, will do.
  5. Incidentally, you seem like a good poster so far. Keep it up.

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