Conversation Between Adi Shankara and AK

  1. "Because I see how Socialism in one country made The USSR one of the most powerful countries"

    This belongs in the "worst leftist arguments" thread. No reference to workers' control of the economy, only blind support for being a superpower - never mind that the workers did not have control of this superpower.
  2. Also, you may want to edit your political statement:
    "An as-of-now unaligned communist (why? I'm so sick of the secretarian in-fighting, it is tearing us apart) who is profoundly interested in the works of Bakunin, Engels, Luxemburg, and Mao. I believe in Luxemburg's ideas on democracy, while I also believed in combination Trotskyism and Luxemburgism. I consider myself on the far-left, and proud of it. My Heroes are Thomas Sankara, former president of the Republic of Burkina Faso, Revolutionary Leon Trotsky, for his bold criticism of the USSR state capitalist regime, even as it cost him his life, and Evo Morales, president of the Republic of Bolivia, for his work in empowering the native people's of Bolivia."
  3. You've turned ML, after having been a Trotsko-Luxemburgist. Goddamit Sankara you never cease to amaze me.
  4. For the record, the information that TAT gave me was of an admin's political activities. He did not specify who that admin was or make a connection to any specific member of the admin team.
  5. Committed Users. And seeing you've just got the blue name, welcome aboard. Feel free to participate in elitist chit-chat and make board proposals at:

    You can also find the CU forum at the bottom of the main page.
  6. whats CU?
  7. You get a blue name and a bolded sub-user title and everything.
  8. They put you in CU yet?
  9. He got banned.
  10. Finally?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 22