Conversation Between ¿Que? and Os Cangaceiros

  1. Os Cangaceiros
    stay strong broham
  2. Os Cangaceiros
  3. ¿Que?
    Aside from the Argentina thing, it sounds like every other horror movie I've ever heard of...
  4. Os Cangaceiros
    it's about some Argentinian girls who are on a trip, and get stuck in a weird town. then they get stuck at a weird house where a psycho lives.
  5. ¿Que?
    Never heard of it. What's it about?
  6. Os Cangaceiros
    I watched an Argentinian movie recently. It was called Habitaciones para turistas...pretty low budget, but watchable, I guess.
  7. ¿Que?
    Totz. Some possibly good demos coming up. I'll pm you with details.
  8. Os Cangaceiros
    wuttup nuka

    we should hang out sometime.
  9. ¿Que?
    I know. I forgot to ask for the day off. In fact, I believe I called you on Tuesday to see if we were still on!
  10. Os Cangaceiros
    Our plans to troll the ISO never materialized!
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