Conversation Between Salyut and IcarusAngel

  1. Salyut
    Bob the Cyber Libertarian? I'm amazed that the guy actually exists. I recall he defended raping preteens at one point.
  2. IcarusAngel
    A lot of Austrian economics is just sick. One of the members there, Liberty Student, believes in AIDS denialism for example. I can't even respond to some of it it's so sick. Have you seen the anti-woman blog by a guy named Libertarian bob or something?
  3. IcarusAngel
    Keep in mind Robert Murphy, one of the few Austrians with a Ph.D in economics, is a born again Christian. Have you heard of the Austrian economist named Reynolds. He says that planes never hit the towers in September 11th, that it was a "mirage" and that it was actually a computer generated event through holograms. It reads like an Onion article - and even he even puts up a picture of Adobe premiere and the world trade towers to prove his point LOL.
  4. IcarusAngel
    LOL. Wow man. Some of the shit they say is just unbelievable. I think if your mind is willing to accept Austrian economics, you can accept anything reactionary.
  5. Salyut

    "Unlike the tax-eaters state-Academia you worship, I recognize the complexity of making such predictions.

    I do believed there was a flood like event that change the world we live in, and that it happened a few centuries ago, in the last millenia (all history previous to that is false or misdated. You have been told fairy tales by state court-historians)."

    o lol
  6. Salyut
    Good god. I thought these guys were just a joke. :|
  7. IcarusAngel
    Have you seen this:

    White-natioanlist/market anarchist/agorist facebook group. They're not even afraid to hide their true beliefs, and several of those members are also on Youtube talking about "real anarchism." Notice the property and freedom ( website specifies that the Libertarian property owners will have the right to discriminate/segregate.
  8. IcarusAngel
    no but that isn't surprising. Think about it, if a handful of property owners controlled all the land in a market anarchist society then they could do what they want with their subjects, including deporting them.
  9. Salyut

    Ever see this talked about on Revleft?
  10. Salyut
    I believe that is the crux of their argument. I'm tempted to ask Cockshott tbh.
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