Conversation Between icepick and OI OI OI

  1. icepick
    Viva Makhno you bastard counter-revolutionary.
  2. first of all Bolsheviks did not kill anarchists.
    They killed counter-revolutionary petit-bourgeois thugs like the Makhnovists .
    Second of all anarchists that died in Spain were either victims of Stalinists or fascists.
    Not Bolsheviks.
    End of story.
  3. icepick
    Bolsheviks killed more anarchists than fascists. Give me one reason I should be "non-sectarian" towards you lot?

    All the trots I've ever met I could beat shit out of with one hand, so no I've never been attacked by one of you. Stop whining.
  4. what happened to you and you re so agressive against communists?
    Did you get beat up by them by any chance?

    seriously your posts are uber-sectarian and idiotic.

    You only give anarchists a bad name.
    Please stop being like that or gtfo of the forum
  5. icepick
    trot **** who likes to try to look hard
  6. idiot
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