Conversation Between Red Anarchist of Love and Vendetta

  1. is your new avatar Zapata
  2. right on, be your self let others difine you
  3. Vendetta
    Generally just an anarchist - communist. I try not to define my views too much, in my eyes it leads to unnecessary conflict with other leftists.
  4. what kind of leftist are you
  5. sorry don't know the area
  6. cool i don't really know the area
  7. Vendetta
    I live a bit north of Charleston.
  8. cool, i have always hated the fedral govermet and i was born in NY although i now live in NC where are you at
  9. Vendetta
    It's of George Hayduke from the Monkey Wrench Gang, but I chose it simply because he basically looks like an angry redneck.

    Which fits me more or less.
  10. cool avatar who is it? im from NC, who are thing in SC?
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