Conversation Between Sperm-Doll Setsuna and Hit The North

  1. Hit The North
    It means, nobhead, that you are a fool and evidently unsuited to be a moderator on this forum. I won't waste any more of my time on you except to report your abuses to a responsible adult/admin.
  2. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Whatever that means. That's one bloody vacuous statement.
  3. Hit The North
    Evidently you are just a fool.
  4. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Evidently you agree and find acceptable the sort of sickening opinions spewed by that O'Neal.
  5. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    "This idiot is having some fun today."

    Oh, totally, this is so much fun, verily. What the fuck's fun about it? Go cry some more.
  6. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    lol, go fuck yourself you piece of malodorous vomit
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6